Saturday, May 17, 2014

Pancake Pancake!

I used to love making pancake. In every morning I made pancakes as my breakfast or brunch or lunch. Almost happened everyday, I tried to fix my skills in making pancakes, tried different ingredients, different flavour, and different colour. Here are some pics of my pancakes

The picture below is pancake with cheddar cheese topping and colorful sprinkles. I tried to used my brand new flower shaped pan for pancakes. I thought that's gonna be easy making pancakes on that shaped pan but not as it seems because I got hard when I tried to flip back the pancake. It's because the pan are not non-stick fry pan I thought that's non-stick fry pan but I wrong. So be careful on choosing shaped pan.

 This Chocolate Pancakes were little bit success using my flower pan. The other side of my pancakes were got burned. Like I said juust a lil success.. But I did good enough on plating right? :)

I made these pancakes from dragon fruit, I love its colour of dragon fruit, it has sexy pink colour. So, I tempted to use it on my pancakes. I thought the color of the batter won't gone away but after it's all set, my pancakes just looks like an ordinary pancakes. The pretty pink of the dragon fruit were lost..  

The lad who's eating my pancakes was Aya, he loves my pancakes, sometimes he ask me to make pancakes for him. About the pancakes, that were pancakes made from dragon fruit. I just mashed the dragon fruit then added it to the batter so you can see the black dots on the pancakes, that is the seed. The sauce was also purely made from the dragon fruit  just add some sugar and milk to the mashed dragon fruit.

This is my pizza pancakes, I love it. I never cook pizza before so it's good enough for me to make pizza from pancake. 
Actually there were soo many pancakes that I already made with different ingredients, but my photo files are everywhere..if I found some of the I'm gonna upload it for you.. xoxo

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